トップ > 水冷パーツ > 水冷ブロック > マザーボード用 > ブロック本体 > EK WaterBlocks EK-Quantum Momentum2 Aorus Z690 Master D-RGB Plexi
アドレッサブルRGB(デジタルRGB)LEDです、3ピンコネクター以外に挿すとLEDモジュールが破損しますのでご注意下さい。 メーカーで組立時と出荷時に2回の点灯確認がされていますので、点灯不良は発生しません。 点灯しない場合は通常の12V RGB LEDのコネクター(4ピン)に挿して破損されたと判断させていただきます。
EK-Quantum Momentum² Aorus Z690 Master D-RGB is a Quantum Line monoblock specially designed for the Aorus Z690 Master motherboard, featuring the newest Velocity² cooling engine with low restriction and high performance. This is a complete all-in-one (CPU and motherboard) liquid cooling solution for Intel® 12th generation Alter Lake processors. This Momentum² monoblock is EK-Matrix7 compliant.
This monoblock uses the latest generation of EK-Quantum Velocity² cooling engine to ensure the best possible CPU cooling while not reducing flow to other components. OptiFlow cooling engine uses a specific combination of mounting pressure and coldplate geometry tailored for the IHS and die layout of Intel LGA 1700 socket processors. This monoblock provides cooling for the voltage regulation module, 12th Gen Intel® Core™ CPU, as well as the LAN controller chip.
Liquid flows directly over all critical areas, providing the enthusiasts with a great solution for high and stable overclocks. Like with every EK monoblock, the EK-Quantum Momentum² Aorus Z690 Master D-RGB features a high flow design and it can be easily used with the system using weaker water pumps or lower pump speed settings as well. The Quantum Momentum² monoblock also comes with sophisticated D-RGB (addressable) lighting with a total of 20 LEDs. They connect to a standard 3-pin 5V D-RGB addressable header.
The base of the monoblock is made of nickel-plated electrolytic copper while the top is made of quality cast acrylic material. The nickel-plated brass screw-in standoffs are pre-installed and allow for easy installation.
Unlike other solutions on the market, this is a true one-piece, sturdy and reliable liquid cooling product that requires only two connector fittings for proper operation. For the CPU, please use the enclosed (electrically non-conductive) thermal grease EK-TIM Ectotherm.
This product is compatible with Gigabyte RGB Fusion 2.0 control software. The arrow marking on the 3-pin LED connector is to be aligned with the +5V marking on the addressable D-RGB LED header.
Technical specifications: - Dimensions: (LxHxW) - 176,3 x 142,6 x 39,4mm - D-RGB cable length: 500mm - D-RGB LED count: 20 - D-RGB connector standard 3-pin (+5V, Data, Blocked, Ground)
Enclosed: - EK-Quantum Momentum² Aorus Z690 Master D-RGB Monoblock - Mounting mechanism - Thermal grease EK-TIM Ectotherm - Thermal pads - Backplate
Made in Slovenia - Europe!
ネジセット M4x30 バインド 12本セット
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