トップ > 水冷パーツ > チューブ > ハードチューブ > ハードチューブ用工具 > EK WaterBlocks EK-Loop Bending Cord for 10mm ID Hard Tube - 0.33m
ハードチューブの曲げ加工時に潰れを防ぐシリコンチューブ 内径10mmのハードチューブ対応 長さ: 33cm ※サイズをご確認ください
EK-Loop Bending Cord for 10mm ID Hard Tube - 0.33m is a silicone cord for bending acrylic and PETG tubing. It features high heat and abrasion resistance, helping the tube not to deform while subjected to the high temperatures of a heat gun during the bending process.
Using a heat gun and the enclosed silicone bending cord (insert), it is possible to make customized pieces of solid tubing. Use the hacksaw to cut pieces to length and sandpaper to chamfer and smooth out the edges. For a perfect chamfer, EK recommends the use of the EK-HD Tube Reamer tool.
EK-Loop Bending Cord is 0.33m long. It is made of flexible silicone with high elasticity, allowing it to be inserted and pulled out of a bent tube with a snug fit to ensure the least possible issues with tube kinks, bubbles, and collapses of tube walls. Technical Specification:
- Material: Silicone - Color: White - Diameter: 10mm - Compatibility: EK-Loop Hard Tube 12mm(OD) and 14mm(OD), EK-HD Tube PETG 10/12mm
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